Prepare Amazon MLS-C01 Exam Questions 2025:

Prepare for the Amazon MLS-C01 certification exam with confidence through our highly designed MLS-C01 exam questions 2025. Our AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty MLS-C01 practice tests are designed to reflect the actual AWS Certified Machine Learning MLS-C01 exam setting and help you measure your knowledge and identify what to work on
With our free MLS-C01 practice exam questions and answers, you will feel confident enough to tackle all MLS-C01 questions and make good use of time during the exam.

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Total 385 Questions | Updated On: Jan 10, 2025
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Question 1

A large mobile network operating company is building a machine learning model to predict customers who are likely to unsubscribe from the service. The company plans to offer an incentive for these customers as the cost of churn is far greater than the cost of the incentive.
The model produces the following confusion matrix after evaluating on a test dataset of 100 customers:
Based on the model evaluation results, why is this a viable model for production?

Answer: A
Question 2

An ecommerce company sends a weekly email newsletter to all of its customers. Management has hired a team of writers to create additional targeted content. A data scientist needs to identify five customer segments based on age, income, and location. The customers' current segmentation is unknown. The data scientist previously built an XGBoost model to predict the likelihood of a customer responding to an email based on age, income, and location.
Why does the XGBoost model NOT meet the current requirements, and how can this be fixed?

Answer: C
Question 3

A company is using Amazon SageMaker to build a machine learning (ML) model to predict customer churn based on customer call transcripts. Audio files from customer calls are located in an on-premises VoIP system that has petabytes of recorded calls. The on-premises infrastructure has high-velocity networking and connects to the company's AWS infrastructure through a VPN connection over a 100 Mbps connection. The company has an algorithm for transcribing customer calls that requires GPUs for inference. The company wants to store these transcriptions in an Amazon S3 bucket in the AWS Cloud for model development. Which solution should an ML specialist use to deliver the transcriptions to the S3 bucket as quickly as possible?

Answer: D
Question 4

A chemical company has developed several machine learning (ML) solutions to identify chemical process abnormalities. The time series values of independent variables and the labels are available for the past 2 years and are sufficient to accurately model the problem.

The regular operation label is marked as 0 The abnormal operation label is marked as 1. Process abnormalities have a significant negative effect on the company’s profits. The company must avoid these abnormalities.

Which metrics will indicate an ML solution that will provide the GREATEST probability of detecting an abnormality?

Answer: A
Question 5

A Machine Learning Specialist is building a convolutional neural network (CNN) that will classify 10 types of animals. The Specialist has built a series of layers in a neural network that will take an input image of an animal, pass it through a series of convolutional and pooling layers, and then finally pass it through a dense and fully connected layer with 10 nodes The Specialist would like to get an output from the neural network that is a probability distribution of how likely it is that the input image belongs to each of the 10 classes
Which function will produce the desired output?

Answer: C
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Total 385 Questions | Updated On: Jan 10, 2025
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