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Ready to level up your PECB ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Implementer exam study? Just TheExamsLab ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Implementer practice tests free.
ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Implementer exam questions are expertly crafted practice tests designed to simulate the real PECB certification exam environment and help you assess your knowledge and figure out where you are lacking. From our free PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Implementer ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Implementer practice exam, you will feel secure in passing any question type or time limit. TheExamsLab offers the ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Implementer exam questions 2024. Don’t settle or do it half-heartedly get the best and invest in the best what you want is what you get.
Which tool is used to identify, analyze, and manage interested parties?
Which of the following statements is accurate regarding the methodology for managing the implementation of an ISMS?
Which of the following is the most suitable option for presenting raw data in a user-friendly, easy-to-read format?
Scenario 3: Socket Inc. is a dynamic telecommunications company specializing in wireless products andservices, committed to delivering high-quality and secure communication solutions. Socket Inc. leveragesinnovative technology, including the MongoDB database, renowned for its high availability, scalability, andflexibility, to provide reliable, accessible, efficient, and well-organized services to its customers. Recently, thecompany faced a security breach where external hackers exploited the default settings of its MongoDBdatabase due to an oversight in the configuration settings, which had not been properly addressed.Fortunately, diligent data backups and centralized logging through a server ensured no loss of information. Inresponse to this incident, Socket Inc. undertook a thorough evaluation of its security measures. The companyrecognized the urgent need to improve its information security and decided to implement an informationsecurity management system (ISMS) based on ISO/IEC 27001.To improve its data security and protect its resources, Socket Inc. implemented entry controls and secureaccess points. These measures were designed to prevent unauthorized access to critical areas housing sensitivedata and essential assets. In compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and ethical standards, Socket Inc.implemented pre-employment background checks tailored to business needs, information classification, andassociated risks. A formalized disciplinary procedure was also established to address policy violations.Additionally, security measures were implemented for personnel working remotely to safeguard informationaccessed, processed, or stored outside the organization's premises.Socket Inc. safeguarded its information processing facilities against power failures and other disruptions.Unauthorized access to critical records from external sources led to the implementation of data flow control services to prevent unauthorized access between departments and external networks. In addition, Socket Inc.used data masking based on the organization’s topic-level general policy on access control and other relatedtopic-level general policies and business requirements, considering applicable legislation. It also updated anddocumented all operating procedures for information processing facilities and ensured that they wereaccessible to top management exclusively.The company also implemented a control to define and implement rules for the effective use of cryptography,including cryptographic key management, to protect the database from unauthorized access. Theimplementation was based on all relevant agreements, legislation, regulations, and the informationclassification scheme. Network segregation using VPNs was proposed to improve security and reduceadministrative efforts.Regarding the design and description of its security controls, Socket Inc. has categorized them into groups,consolidating all controls within a single document. Lastly, Socket Inc. implemented a new system tomaintain, collect, and analyze information about information security threats and integrate informationsecurity into project management.Based on the scenario above, answer the following question:Based on scenario 3, did Socket Inc. comply with ISO/IEC 27001 organizational controls regarding itsoperating procedures?
Scenario 5: OperazelT is a software development company that develops applications for various companiesworldwide. Recently, the company conducted a risk assessment in response to the evolving digital landscapeand emerging information security challenges. Through rigorous testing techniques like penetration testingand code review, the company identified issues in its IT systems, including improper user permissions,misconfigured security settings, and insecure network configurations. To resolve these issues and enhanceinformation security, OperazelT implemented an information security management system (ISMS) based onISO/IEC 27001.In a collaborative effort involving the implementation team, OperazelT thoroughly assessed its businessrequirements and internal and external environment, identified its key processes and activities, and identifiedand analyzed the interested parties to establish the preliminary scope of the ISMS. Followingthis, theimplementation team conducted a comprehensive review of the company's functional units, opting to includemost of the company departments within the ISMS scope. Additionally, the team decided to include internaland external physical locations, both external and internal issues referred to in clause 4.1, the requirements inclause 4.2, and the interfaces and dependencies between activities performed by the company. The ITmanager had a pivotal role in approving the final scope, reflecting OperazelT’s commitment to informationsecurity.OperazelT's information security team created a comprehensive information security policy that aligned withthe company's strategic direction and legal requirements, informed by risk assessment findings and businessstrategies. This policy, alongside specific policies detailing security issues and assigning roles andresponsibilities, was communicated internally and shared with external parties. The drafting, review, andapproval of these policies involved active participation from top management, ensuring a robust frameworkfor safeguarding information across all interested parties.As OperazelT moved forward, the company entered the policy implementation phase, with a detailed planencompassing security definition, role assignments, and training sessions. Lastly, the policy monitoring andmaintenance phase was conducted, where monitoring mechanisms were established to ensure the company'sinformation security policy is enforced and all employees comply with its requirements.To further strengthen its information security framework, OperazelT initiated a comprehensive gap analysis aspart of the ISMS implementation process. Rather than relying solely on internal assessments, OperazelT decided to involve the services of external consultants to assess the state of its ISMS. The companycollaborated with external consultants, which brought a fresh perspective and valuable insights to the gapanalysis process, enabling OperazelT to identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement with a higherdegree of objectivity. Lastly, OperazelT created a committee whose mission includes ensuring the properoperation of the ISMS, overseeing the company's risk assessment process, managing information securityrelated issues, recommending solutions to nonconformities, and monitoring the implementation of correctionsand corrective actions.Based on the scenario above, answer the following question:Did OperazelT include all the necessary factors when determining its scope?
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